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Black magic rocks Mpumalanga government offices

05/29/2024 03:25:46 AM News

A man was caught on camera sprinkling powdery stuff in the Nkomazi Local Municipality's offices.

Source: Supplied

Sizwe sama Yende

Another Mpumalanga government institution has found itself having to deal with an incident of sorcery that was caught on camera.

The People’s Eye has been reliably told that the manager of Nkomazi Local Municipality in Malalane, Xolani Mabila, was warned not to come to his office on May 16 after a cleaner found some “powdery herbs” sprinkled on the floor of the offices.

A source said that the council’s security unit checked the surveillance cameras, which showed an official in the act of sprinkling the powder on the floor.

“The municipal manager could not go to his office on that day as he was warned not to,” the source said. He said that the matter was treated sensitively and there had been no intention to have it leaked to the media.

The cleaner, according to the source, complained of pains after the cleaning the floor and ended up being hospitalised.

Attempts to get comment from the municipality were unsuccessful.

The other institution that faced a similar situation South African Social Security Agency (SASSA).

Two officials at the agency’s offices in Piet Retief were caught on the security camera  April 17 2024 performing rituals. The officials were in the company of three men.

Management decided to watch the cameras after officials arrived in the morning and raised concerns about the suspicious remnants of the needles that were scattered all over the offices.

SASSA spokesperson, Senzeni Ngubeni, said that officials were picking up the needles almost daily.   “This, then prompted discomfort and curiosity from officials. It was then that the Mpumalanga senior management decided to view the security camera footage to determine the origins of these suspicious things scattered in the office,” Ngubeni said.

“Upon viewing the footage, it revealed the disturbing and worrying conduct of ritual practices being conducted by two identified officials in the building. The officials were left traumatised and dejected.”

SASSA had to temporarily vacate the offices and seek an alternative venue. The offices were fumigated and deep-cleaned, and Employee Wellness unit provided counselling to the affected officials.

“The entire matter is currently under investigation to determine, if consequence management can be taken,” Ngubeni said. The SASSA offices were reopened on May 6 after mass prayer sessions were held.




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